
The Lumber Rush

October 15, 2024

Lumber was in huge demand in California and came from Maine until they realized there were thousands of acres on the west coast. Lumbermen used different methods to fell trees, all involved heavy dangerous work. By 1859 millions of board feet were produced on the west coast.

John Sutter

October 8, 2024

He had it all, 50,000 acres in California, cattle, sheep, horses, acres of wheat. He needed lumber, so joined with James Marshall to build a sawmill. When Marshall found some shiny stones, it was the end for Sutter. With the gold rush he lost all his employees, his land was overrun with gold seekers, his cattle scattered and crops trampled. He died a poor man.

Prize Fighting

October 1, 2024

Virginia City Montana was the site of the first glove prize fight and lasted 26 rounds. In 1867 Con Orem fought Jimmy Dwyer in a bare knuckles fight. They fought into the night and was to resume the next morning, but Orem was unconscious. When G. Ward and John Gallagher fought a 105-round bout, it ended in tragedy. Gallagher’s left arm was broken, but he continued to fight. In the 105th round, Ward went down for good and died the next day.

Home Remedies and Patent Medicines

September 24, 2024

Every home had a variety of remedies. Some were herbs, others were store-bought. Whiskey was taken straight or mixed with herbs, used internally or externally. Snake, skunk, goose, wolf or bear oil were claimed to cure rheumatism. In the Civil War, maggots probably saved lives by digesting infected wounds.

Lt. Col. William Barret Travis

September 17, 2024

Col. James Bowie was too sick to command the troops at the Alamo, so Col. Travis took over. Historians have debated how he died. Some say he died by suicide, others that he died fighting a Mexican officer, or that he was captured and killed. Some say he was shot while on the rampart. Joe, the only survivor, said Travis fired his double-barreled shotgun and immediately fell to enemy fire.

Frontier Restaurants

September 10, 2024

Tired of beans, new restaurants opened in Tombstone Arizona. Nellie Cashman opened the Russ House with 600 diners on opening day. Quong Kee was considered the best cook in Arizona, opened the Can Can Restaurant and Hindquarter Cafe. Menus would rival some of the best restaurants of today. Oregon Trail food included bacon, bread, rice, coffee, pies, soup, hard tack dried meat and fresh game.

Widows on the Oregon Trail

September 3, 2024

To become a widow along the trail could mean being left behind or worse. Help and compassion would only go so far. Widows driving the wagon might lose an unattended child to accidents. Disease also took its toll on the children.

The Shortcut

August 27, 2024

Stephen Meek convinced a wagon train to let him guide them on a short cut across Oregon to the Dalles. Within days it went bad. Feed and water were scarce. Hard sharp rocks cut the animals feet. The immigrants soon realized Meek was lost. A typhus outbreak began to take lives. Abandoned and starving, it fell to Mose Harris to lead a rescue party.

Sarah Walden

August 20, 2024

Dr. Marcus Whitman and some friendly New Perce Indians helped prevent the hostile Walla Wallas from attacking their wagon train. On reaching the Columbia River, she joined her husband in taking the cattle over the Cascade Mountains. Their food was stolen, a blinding snowstorm nearly froze them, cold and starving they finally made it to Oregon City.


August 13, 2024

Mildred Douglas was a champion bronc rider and appeared in films. Kitty Canutt, nicknamed "Diamond Girl" because she had a diamond set in a tooth, would sometimes pawn to pay her entry fee. Pearl Biron was a master of the Australian bullwhip. Bonnie Gray could perform the "under the belly crawl" stunt. Mamie Francis and her horse jumped from thirty feet into a tank filled with water.